A code of practice for handling complaints is detailed below and we hope you will find it acceptable.
- Our aim is to react to complaints in the same way that we would want our own complaint handled. We hope to learn from every case and to respond to patients’ concerns in a caring and sensitive way. The person responsible for dealing with any complaint is our practice manager, Ms Catherine Joy.
- When a patient complains on the telephone or at the reception desk we will listen and the member of staff present will note brief details of the complaint and pass them to Catherine.
- All complaints will be acknowledged in by telephone within 2 working days if possible. You will be invited to attend for an informal meeting to discuss the matter. Following the meeting, or in the event of your not wishing to meet, we will seek to investigate the complaint and respond in writing within 10 working days.
- Proper and comprehensive records are kept of any complaint received. If your complaint is about NHS care and you are not satisfied with the result of this procedure you may wish to complain to the NHS, details of which are available on request.
Opening Hours
Out of hours, weekends or
24 hour emergency