Emergency Dental Work

We are here for you if you need emergency dental work. In the event of any of these situations please contact the practice immediately on 0191 222 0725

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The following situations are classed as an emergency which require patients to be seen urgently (within hours):

  • Excessive bleeding following an extraction
  • A severe swelling which is encroaching on the airway space
  • Direct tooth trauma following an accident

In the event of any of these situations please contact the practice immediately on 0191 222 0725 or if it is out of normal surgery hours please call NHS 111 or if you are a Denplan patient please call 0800 844 999.

The following situations are classified as less urgent but it is desirable to be seen within 48 hours:

  • Continuous toothache not relieved with regular pain relief medications
  • Broken tooth/filling which is sharp and causing tongue ulceration
  • Lost crown or temporary crown
  • Lost filling at the front of the mouth

Please contact the practice and you will be offered a toothache slot within 48 hours.

The following situations are non urgent but require attention within 7-10 days:

  • Lost filling, no pain
  • Bleeding gums on brushing
  • Sensitivity to hot/cold or sweet stimuli
  • Occasional pain on biting
  • Lost temporary filling

Please contact the practice and you will be offered the next available appointment.

Most dental pain is inflammatory in nature and can be relieved with the use of paracetamol in conjunction with a Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug (e.g  ibuprofen).

The use of a warm salt and water mouthwash, or Corsodyl mouthwash can help relieve the discomfort of a dental abscess swelling. Avoid extremes of temperature and biting on the affected area.

Visit Us

50, Leazes Park Road,
Newcastle upon Tyne
Get directions >

Opening Hours

Monday 9.00am – 7.00pm
Tuesday 8.00am – 5.00pm
Wednesday 8.00am – 6.15pm
Thursday 9.00am – 5.00pm
Friday 8.00am – 5.00pm

Out of hours, weekends or
24 hour emergency call

0191 222 0725

A simple smile.
That’s the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others.

Dalai Lama

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Everyone smiles in the same language.

George Carlin

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Invest in yourself –

Meditate, Read, Eat healthy food, Drink water, Move your body, Spend time in nature and Rest up.

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You are worthy

The best investment you can ever make is in your own health

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The best six doctors:

Sunshine, water, rest, air, exercise and diet.

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Oral health is a window to your general health.

Good oral health reflects wellness of mind and body.

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Oral health is a key indicator of overall health, well-being and quality of life.

World Health Organisation

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